As many of you already know, the Orange County Register was recently sold to a fellow named Aaron Kushner. You can google his name and find out more, but the initial buzz is promising, with the proviso that you never know. We were told a couple of weeks ago that the deal will take about 30 days to close.

The question I’m most often asked by friends and family is whether or not I’ll be able to return to my former beat as a music critic. I’ve been writing the celebrity column, and related online features, closing in on two years now, and have been only able to write a smattering of music criticism during that time, some of it as a freelance.

The short answer to the question is “I don’t know.” I would certainly like to. Music criticism is what I do best. But whether or not I will be able to return to that beat depends on a number of factors and unknowns (which I won’t bore you with here). I will certainly speak up about it if given the opportunity, or even a little opening in the door.